Harry Lampeter and the War with Scotland

Just published on Kindle and free to download on Sunday 30th June 2021

Harry Lampeter and the War with Scotland: 

A satirical mix of warfare, romance, airships and intrigue

The world has returned to the Steam Age. Incensed by cross-border raids from England, the Scots decide it's time to march on London. The English army heads north to stop them and MI6 send Harry Lampeter to report on the hostilities. General Malina’s American peacekeepers arrive as the battle for York begins. In between amorous entanglements, Harry discovers the Americans have a hidden agenda: the invasion of Europe. Meanwhile, Harry’s friend, Telford Stephenson, has joined the Scottish Air Force and is enjoying his own adventures. Wisps of steam, a pair of erotic dancers, a cat called Nigel and the distant skirl of bagpipes all add color to Harry Lampeter’s first anarchic adventure.



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